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Cadmium in the Product: A Real Fear or Much Ado About Nothing?

June 7, 2010

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Legal blawgs (and lawyers) are always on the search for the next big thing. In the attempt to replace asbestos and lead as the source of many suits, many substances (e.g. mold, melamine and Chinese drywall) have been posited -- with varying degrees of "success." A new challenger for the crown has now emerged: cadmium. A rare metallic compound, cadmium is found in many electronics and batteries, and, is a common source of paint pigmentation. When consumed by humans -- especially the young -- it is potentially carcinogenic (although studies are conflicting) and can cause (among others) lung, kidney and gastrointestinal illnesses. It is in the latter regard that the consumer threat is the greatest. McDonald's, for example, is about to embark on a $15,000,000 recall of "Shrek Forever After" drinking glasses because the glasses contain levels of cadmium above the ever lowering US regulatory standards. The potential for future recalls and the inevitable personal injury lawsuits seems quite real.
If you would like more information about this post, please contact Bob Cosgrove at <a href=""></a>.
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