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Call Your Next Witness - Brandi Percy of Markel

January 27, 2022

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<span>Unlike some of our other guests, who went to law school and then found themselves in the insurance industry, <strong><a href="">Brandi Percy</a></strong> got her start working as a claim representative in insurance, and THEN went to law school.   Her career has taken her through various in-house positions, both in insurance and in the corporate world.    We had a great time discussing how her career has progressed, some notable claims that presented her with "teachable moments" over the years, how risk managers can use analytics to help narrow predictive outcomes, and also, how her prior career as a college basketball player held shape Brandi as a professional.   (And we also complained about being the parents of young children in the age of COVID, which could have been a whole separate episode...)</span>

You can listen <strong><a href="">here</a></strong>, or wherever you download podcasts, by searching for <strong>Call Your Next Witness</strong>.

If you would like more information about the podcast, or think it would be fun to be a guest, feel free to email <a href="">Brian Gibbons</a>.


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