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Call Your Next Witness - Former BXDA Joshua Kirshner

January 13, 2022

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<a href="" data-attribute-index="0" data-entity-hovercard-id="urn:li:fs_miniProfile:ACoAAAEurkUBYBwpRsZVZop6y6f8OCKihit6hJ0" data-entity-type="MINI_PROFILE">Joshua Kirshner</a><span> is a former colleague of mine from the </span><a href="" data-attribute-index="2" data-entity-hovercard-id="urn:li:fs_miniCompany:939741" data-entity-type="MINI_COMPANY">Bronx County District Attorney Office</a><span> who has been a federal law clerk in the Southern District of New York</span><span> and for the past 10 years, has been a successful criminal defense</span><span> in New York.   And coincidentally, just as Josh and I are former Bronx D.A. colleagues, our mentors -- Ben Brafman and Dennis Wade -- were former colleagues at the NY County D.A's office.</span>

<span>Josh joined me for a discussion on the Call Your Next Witness podcast</span><span>. He recently started his own criminal</span><span> defense practice, which has been both exciting and terrifying. We discuss Josh's career, what it has been like to "hang out a shingle," and also, Josh's recent "COVID-era" federal trial</span><span> in the Eastern District of New York. This easily could have been two episodes, and is a great listen, particularly for any attorneys pondering starting his/her own practice. </span>

Listen to this episode <a href="" title="here"><strong>here</strong></a>, or wherever you download podcasts.  If you have questions about the podcast, or would like to be a guest, please email <a href="">Brian Gibbons.</a>


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