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Call Your Next Witness - Part 2 of Dennis Wade Interview

May 13, 2021

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We launched the<span> </span><strong>Call Your Next Witness</strong><span> </span>podcast last week, with Part I of our Dennis Wade interview.  Anyone who knows Dennis is well aware that he has too many stories for one interview.  You can listen to Part 2 of our interview with Dennis on<span> </span><strong><a href="">Spotify</a></strong>, <a href=""><strong>Apple</strong></a>, or wherever you download podcasts.  Here, we get into some trial tactics, how Dennis began his career in the world of insurance coverage, and also discuss Dennis's "Paul Newman moment" at trial.

We will try to post a new interview every week (unless actual practice of law gets in the way!) with different risk managers, claim representatives, plaintiff's and defense attorneys and experts.   If you have questions about content, or about would like to discuss being a guest, email <a href="">Brian Gibbons</a> or <a href="">Georgia Coats</a>.


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