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Dennis Wade Addresses Social Media In Claim And Defense Litigation for New York State Bar

August 7, 2013

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On October 10, 2013, Dennis is a presenter at the New York State Bar Association program entitled <em><strong>Law School For Insurance Professionals. </strong> </em>Dennis will be addressing <em><strong>Social Media In Claim Investigations And Defense Litigation. </strong> </em>Dennis's submission is entitled:  <em><strong><a href=" Carnival For The Skeptic.pdf">A Carnival For the Skeptic: Using Social Media In Claim And Defense Litigation</a>. </strong> </em>The <a href=" 2013 Brochure.pdf">brochure</a> for the program is attached.  Dennis recruited Jill Huntley Taylor, Ph.D., a jury consultant and social media expert to help drive his presentation.
If you have any questions about the program or the materials, please call or email Dennis.


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