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Everything I Needed to Know I Learned in Kindergarten.

August 28, 2009

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To assist in the training of the next generation of greatest Americans, Americans fully versed in reality television skills, a Florida elementary school allegedly held a Survivor style vote to decide whether a kindergartner should stay or go. Unfortunately, for the young boy, his classmates voted him "out" because, among other things, he ate crayons, paper and "boogers." A lawsuit against the school, but thankfully not the other 5 year olds, has resulted.
<a href=";src=EMC-Email&amp;et=editorial&amp;;pt=LAWCOM%20Newswire&amp;cn=NW_20090828&amp;kw=Mom's%20Suit%20Claims%20Son%20Voted%20out%20of%20Kindergarten">;src=EMC-Email&amp;et=editorial&amp;;pt=LAWCOM%20Newswire&amp;cn=NW_20090828&amp;kw=Mom's%20Suit%20Claims%20Son%20Voted%20out%20of%20Kindergarten</a>


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