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NY Courts to Begin Adjudicating Non-Essential Matters on 4.13.20

April 10, 2020

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<p style="text-align: justify;">As we delve into our second month of COVID-19 restrictions, social distancing, and closed courts, we have been monitoring court updates throughout NY, NJ and PA.  Our April 3, 2020 update is linked <a href="">here</a>.</p>
<p style="text-align: justify;">On April 9, 2020, J. Marks, the Chief Administrative Judge in NY, issued an updated indicating that, <a href="">effective April 13, 2020</a>, Courts will work remotely to address pending, non-essential matters.   Specifically, the Courts will look to decide pending motions, conference pending, non-essential matters, and resolve pending discovery disputes.   The Courts will not be accepting new filings yet, with the implication being, the Courts will address pending backlog before "opening the floodgates" of new motions and other filings which have been piling up over the past several weeks.  Hopefully, this Order represents the first step toward a return to normalcy in the coming weeks.</p>
<p style="text-align: justify;">In the interim, we'd like to wish a Happy Passover and a Happy Easter to all who celebrate.</p>


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