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Serial Class Action Filer Suffers Set Back

January 13, 2009

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A serial class action filing attorney had his case for Consumer Fraud thrown out of court in Hoffman v., -- N.J.Super. – (App.Div. 2009). After ordering a product on-line to take advantage of a “free bonus” offer, Hoffman was hit with a $7.95 handling charge. He filed a Consumer Fraud class action lawsuit claiming that despite the fact that the order was cancelled prior to any payment and he was never charged for the product ordered, he nonetheless sustained a diminution to his available credit meriting his representation of a class against the internet marketer. The court disagreed finding that he did not sustain an actual loss as required by the Consumer Fraud Act and upheld dismissal of his case. On the other hand, the court likewise rejected the defendant’s claim for abuse of process against the plaintiff. The defendant had argued that the plaintiff, who had filed over 40 nearly identical lawsuits, had used the process to “extort” settlements prior to class certification. The Court found that it was not in the position to assess the bona fides of settlements in these other actions and upheld dismissal of the defendant’s counterclaim.
Thanks to Denise Ricci for her contribution


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