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WCM Attorneys Become Published Authors in Counterpoint.

January 7, 2021

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<span>Partner Bob Cosgrove and associate Lauren Berenbaum and Partner Colleen Hayes have written essays in the <a href="">COUNTERPOINT - December 2020 Issue</a></span><span>, the <a href="">Pennsylvania Defense Institute</a>’s quarterly newsletter. The PDI is the Pennsylvania state affiliate of the <a href="">Defense Research Institute</a>. Bob and Lauren's essay is entitled <em>Is Our Biometric Data Protected </em>and explores some of the new legislation, case law and privacy concerns involving the collection of biometric data.  Colleen's essay is entitled <em>Close Encounters of the COVID Kind and What It Means for Insurance Coverage </em>and analyzes some of the insurance issues arising out of the continuing global pandemic. </span>

<span>For more information about the essays or WCM’s Privacy, Cybersecurity and E-Discovery or Insurance Coverage practices, please contact </span><a 0="" mailto:="" 50="" 114="" 99="" o="" 115="" gr="" 111="" v="" 101="" 64="" 119="" cml="" 97="" w="" om="" data-wpel-link="ignore" href="">Bob</a> or <a href="">Colleen</a><span>.</span>


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