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WCM Congratulates Nicole Brown on her 25th Anniversary

June 24, 2022

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When <a href="">Nicole Brown</a> started at WCM as a Summer associate, the Summer of 1997 was just getting rolling.  WCM, founded in 1994, was still just a toddler.   We like to say on our website, “Results Speak for Themselves.”    But at the time, we hardly had any results yet.    To give some perspective, Tom Brady was still a sophomore at Michigan, Derek Jeter was halfway into his second season, and ER, Seinfeld and Stone Cold Steve Austin were dominating the TV ratings.  Smartphones were not a thing, and email was an “emerging” technology.   My, how things have changed.

As a Summer associate, Nicole began working with her first mentor, John Mulcahy.   Since that time, WCM has reaped the benefits of Nicole’s entire legal career to date, as a law clerk, full time associate, partner, and now, Managing Partner and steadying force behind WCM, especially in the New York City office.   We simply cannot imagine WCM without Nicole, and hopefully, will not have to for another 25 years.   (And if you listen closely, you can hear Nicole laughing at that last sentence...)

Cheers to Nicole Brown on her silver WCM Anniversary!


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