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WCM Partner Bob Cosgrove to Speak at IUA London Event on COVID and Insurance.

May 15, 2020

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WCM Partner Bob Cosgrove is set to speak at the International Underwriting Association of London on May 20 for a seminar entitled <b><span lang="EN-GB">COVID 19: It’s Wreaked Havoc on Social Life and the Economy. Is Insurance Its Next Target in the US? </span></b>

For more information about the seminar, see this IUA <a href="">flyer</a>.

The seminar which look at such things as:

<strong>*          Business income claims under a property policy</strong>

-- How presented?

-- Physical loss?

-- ISO Virus exclusion?

-- Pollution exclusion?

<strong>*          Business income and liability claims under a CGL policy</strong>

-- How presented?

-- Property damage?

-- Negligence?

<strong>*          Policyholder attacks</strong>

-- Ambiguous wordings

-- Inconsistency in claims handling

-- Reasonable expectations

<strong>*          Legislative and public policy COVID concerns</strong>

<strong>*          Suggested responses</strong>

-- Reserve or disclaim?

-- Request for information?

-- Outside adjusters?

<strong> *          Litigation</strong>

-- Class action/MDL

-- Ripeness

-- Precedents

The seminar will be conducted along with WCM friend <strong>André C. Gaudin</strong>, a Louisiana based partner at Burglass Tankersley, LLP and <strong>J</strong><strong>oseph D. Zopolsky</strong>,  a Texas based partner at Glast, Phillips &amp; Murray.  While we can't guarantee room at the IUA event, if you have interest for your company, just reach out to <a href="">Bob</a>.


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